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Bus Accident Attorney
Denver Bus Accident Lawyer

Bus Accident Attorney – Denver, Colorado

Denver bus accident lawyer, Thomas R. Lefly, founder of Lefly Law Firm, is accessible to all Denver residents for a Free Consultation about the strength of your bus accident claim and its potential financial value to help you move forward. If it is difficult to visit us, we can visit you at home, at work, or in your hospital room.
Bus Accident Attorney - Thomas R. Lefly

Colorado Bus Accident Attorney Thomas R. Lefly

Image of Downtown Metro Bus AccidentIn a geographically-dense, metropolitan area like Denver, public transportation is a helpful alternative to owning a car or truck. Public buses provide a convenient alternative to driving where it makes sense. Unfortunately, negligent public transit drivers, inadequate driver training, shoddy bus maintenance, and over-worked bus drivers are sometime the cause of unfortunate bus accidents involving public transportation buses that cause injury and even death to bus riders, pedestrians, auto and bicycle riders and other innocent victims.

City buses also lack the safety features that modern-day automobiles take for granted, such as seat belts, soft surfaces and air bags. Because of that, bus accidents often result in more serious injuries to its passengers than if you were in a private vehicle.

Statistics Show Lots of Injuries & Deaths from a Bus Accident

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports that in 2012, that a typical bus accident results in:

  • Two hundred fifty (250) fatalities due to bus accidents (page 33 1)
  • Twelve thousand (12,000) injuries (page 34)
  • Forty-two thousand (42,000) instances of property damage (page 35)
NOTE: these statistics only include buses that transported nine (9) or more people, so considering the smaller city “Dial-A-Ride” buses, the true statistics may be higher.

1U.S. DOT Bus Crash Facts 2012

Bus Accidents involve Bicyclists, Car Drivers, Bus Passengers, and Pedestrians

There are many causes for a common bus accident including: driver negligence, driver fatigue, inadequate driver training, defective equipment, shoddy or improper maintenance of buses. In the noisy urban setting of Denver, a bus driver maneuvering the city streets may not even be aware that their bus has collided with an automobile, bicyclist or an innocent pedestrian. For bus riders, injuries can be sustained when buses make lane changes, sudden movements, or turns that cause passengers to be thrown against hard structures or to the bus floor. Riders often become human projectiles with tragic results. Bus accident injuries can range from bumps, bruises, skin lacerations to more serious injuries such as broken bones and concussions. Concussions can be especially dangerous for more “fragile” elderly riders and young children.

We represent bus accident victimsWe represent victims injured in bus accidents

Shoddy & Inadequate Maintenance Issues

When private bus companies and municipalities fail to maintain the buses, they put on our streets, mechanical failures can lead to collisions and bus accidents that result in injuries and death. For example, old brake shoes or brake pads that are not replaced at timely intervals can contribute to a bus driver rear ending a vehicle. Old and cracked or worn tires can cause dangerous blowouts leading to a serious bus accident.

Colorado Law states that “Common Carriers” have a Higher Duty

Bus driver negligence has resulted in collisions and crashes when bus drivers are talking or texting on their cell phone, eating while driving, and other distracting activities. Under Colorado law, buses are considered “common carriers”, and owe a duty to the public to use the highest care and the vigilance of a very cautious person in protecting the safety of bus passengers. Bus drivers must use the utmost care and diligence for safe carriage of their passengers. A common carrier does not insure the safety of its passengers, but it must use reasonable skill to provide everything necessary for safe transportation.


BELOW is a picture from a new helicopter of the results of an Australian bus driver who had passed out following taking a hit on a pipe.
Image of a bus that crashed into a house

BELOW is the video of that bus driver in Australia smoking pot or something stronger. The driver passes out and crashes into a house

Were you injured in a bus accident?

If you have been hit by a bus or you were a passenger on a bus and were injured in a bus accident or during severe movements, it is important to collect and document as much information as possible about the bus, the driver, and the circumstances of the bus accident or incident causing injury. Many buses have video cameras (like the video above) that record the interior of a bus. Unfortunately, those video recordings sometimes miss critical information and are not always available when an injured victim needs them. We can expedite getting video footage through legal channels and our private investigator can fill in a lot of missing details to bolster your personal injury bus accident case which often increases the monetary value of your claim.

Denver bus accident attorney, Thomas R. Lefly, assists pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers and passengers of other motor vehicles, and passengers of buses in obtaining just financial compensation for injuries because of all type of public transportation negligence and injury cases that arise from:

  • Rear-ending collisions
  • Head-on collisions
  • Broadside accidents
  • Improper turning
  • Sideswiping vehicles, bicyclists
  • Turning without signaling or stopping
  • Not observing pedestrian right-of-way
  • Fatigued drivers
  • Drivers under the influence
  • Reckless operation
  • Inadequate driver training
  • Improper maintenance of vehicles
  • Defects in vehicles or equipment

Thousands of people are injured or killed every year

Thousands of people are injured or killed every year in bus accidents.Thousands of people in the United States are injured or killed every year because of bus accidents. Due to their sheer size, a common bus accident often results in serious / catastrophic injuries and even death. Lives can be turned upside down in an instant, and you may feel lost and confused and not know where to turn next. Denver bus accident lawyer, Thomas R. Lefly, is here for you!

If you or one of your loved ones has been injured in a bus accident, call (720) 773-9333 to set up a free initial consultation with an experienced bus accident lawyer Thomas R. Lefly. Attorney Lefly provides a free initial consultation, and bus accident victims are represented on a contingency fee basis. If we do not obtain a settlement or money judgment for you, we don’t receive a fee.

Contact a Greater Denver Area Personal Injury Attorney

Greater Denver Area Personal Injury Lawyer, Thomas R. Lefly, represents clients injured by dog bites, auto accidents, workplace accidents, accidents on another’s property, medical malpractice and wrongful death cases. If you think you may have a personal injury case, please do not hesitate to seek the experienced legal assistance you need to make things right. It costs nothing to call us, costs nothing for our FREE consultation, and if we agree you have a case, it costs nothing to get us started protecting your rights and fighting for a financial settlement to compensate you for your loses.

Unexpected and unfortunate things happen to good people. We are a law firm of caring legal professionals. We are here to help you recover the financial payment you deserve so you can get on with your life. Remember, all legal fees are based on a percentage of the award, and you pay nothing for our services until we win your case.

Contingency Fee Basis — No Win, No Pay

Denver Personal Injury LawyerNo matter your current financial circumstances or size of your bank account you can retain the best possible bus accident attorney in the Denver area. If we evaluate your case as being a strong case with a good outcome we will take on your bus accident case on a contingency fee basis. That means NO out of pocket cost to you!

What does this mean to you? You do not have to pay us any type of fee out of pocket. In fact, you will not even have to pay us a dime unless we win your case. The contingent fee arrangement is also commonly referred to as “NO WIN — NO FEE” because the client is not held responsible for payment should we not be successful in recovering an insurance settlement or jury award for money damages.

If you have been seriously injured, we encourage you to call us today at (720) 912-1777 for your free, confidential consultation.

Serving All of Colorado From The Denver Area